
Top Stories About Cat


Top stories about cat:

Here are a few news stories about cats that might interest you:

1‌- "Cat credited with saving family from house fire" - This heartwarming story is about a cat named Tara who woke up her family when their house caught fire, alerting them to the danger and helping them escape to safety. Tara became a local hero and was even honored with a special award for her bravery.

‌2- "Cat becomes mayor of small town in Minnesota" - This amusing story is about a cat named Stubbs who was elected as the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, a small town with a population of just over 900 people. Stubbs served as mayor for nearly 20 years and was a beloved member of the community.

3‌- "Stray cat turns up at Japanese nuclear power plant" - This unusual story is about a stray cat who wandered into the grounds of the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Japan. The cat, who was later named Onagawa-kun, quickly became a popular member of the plant's staff and even received a special radiation protection suit to wear while on duty.

4‌- "Cat with extra toes becomes world's longest-serving police feline" - This story is about a cat named Oscar who was recruited as a "mouse police cat" at the police station in Devon, England. Oscar, who has extra toes on each paw, became famous for his mouse-catching skills and even received an award for his long service to the police force.